💦Water Safety should be a priority for parents, teachers and caregivers.
May 30, 2021
“Since drowning is the number one cause of injury-related death among children between the ages of 1 and 5 and the second leading cause of death for children ages 1-14, water safety should be a priority for parents, teachers and caregivers.”
In the United States during the month of April there were 120 fatal drownings: 29 children under age 18 and 91 adults.
In Texas, since January there have been 20 fatal drownings to children under age 18. One of those was to a 3 year old girl that fatally drown in her backyard pool in El Paso.
We can all help decrease these needless fatal drownings by
- Constant Supervision of children in and around all water including pools, fountains, ponds, buckets, bath tubs, toilets, ice chests, hot tubs and when visiting motel/hotel pools.
- Learn to swim
- Learn CPR
- Use multiple layers of protection. Fencing, locked gates, pool alarms and alarms on doors.
Drowning Prevention Coalition Resources Locally and Nationally 2021
Kids Safety Tips
Drowning Prevention Tips by Eastwood High Swim Team-
10 Water Safety Lessons from Burleson Fire Dept
Home Swimming Pool Safety Tips All Parents Should Know