Drowning Prevention Coalition Media News Conference
May 20, 2021
Summer Splash Water Safety Media News Conference TODAY
MAY 20, 2021 at 11:00 am.
*lunch provided to Media by Chick Fil A
The Beast Natatorium 13501 Jason Crandall
“Children Drown In Silence”
Those words are not just a slogan, they are reality!
The months from May through August are when most fatal child drownings occur. Texas has already had 16 Fatal drownings of children under 18 years of age.
6 have fatally drown in hotel/motel pools.
8 in backyard pools/hot tub.
2 in Bath Tubs.
El Paso has had 1 fatal drowning, a 3 year old girl in her backyard pool.
The Drowning Prevention Coalition
Of El Paso wants everyone to be aware of Water Safety/Drowning Prevention tips as the swim season gets into high gear for the first time due to the pandemic.
During the Media News Conference there will be
Lifesaving Water Demonstration, speakers from Fire Dept, Wet N Wild Waterworld, YWCA, EP Parks& Rec Aquatics, EP County Aquatics, UMC Trauma and El Paso Water-Turn Around Don’t Drown.
We will also begin our Drowning Prevention Week with virtual Education videos on Water Safety & CPR that teachers, care givers and parents can access through our web page at www.dpcelpaso.org and our YouTube page.
Texas Child Drowning Statistics 2021