August 1, 2021
The Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso will be hosting the Christian Castle Lifeguard Olympics on August 1, 2021 at Wet N Wild Waterworld 8804 S. Desert Blvd. in Anthony, Tx with check-in at 7:00 am and competition from 8:00 am-11:30 am. Deadline to enter and pay for competition is Thursday, July 15, 2021 by 1:00 pm. All Team Registrations must be done online ONLY (paid with credit card or debit card) at www.dpcelpaso.org and just click on Christian Castle Lifeguard Olympics. Fees must be paid in advance to register and NO LATE REGISTRATION. Entry fee is $35 per team of 4 guards. Each team must have at least one female. Each team member will receive a T-shirt and complimentary Day Pass to Wet N Wild Waterworld. Team Awards (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place) and individual awards for each event.
The Lifeguard Olympics is a competitive, annual event that provides lifeguards from organizations throughout the city an opportunity to practice lifesaving skills. The competitive event will highlight the training and duties that lifeguards experience on a daily basis in their day to day jobs. Sponsors of this years event will be Sundt, Wet N Wild Waterworld and Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso.
The Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso was formed in 2010 through the efforts of Laura and Eddie Castle who lost their son, Christian, to a fatal drowning in 2007. Thirty-one different community organizations, groups and agencies have come together as one to build a culture of water safety in the El Paso area.