2018 Christian Castle Lifeguard Olympics Results
August 11, 2018
Thank you to all the lifeguards that participated in the 8 th Annual Christian Castle Lifeguard Olympics. The Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso would also like to thank our sponsors Chandra Edwards with Wet n Wild Waterworld; Peter Scruggs & Enrique Duenas-El Paso Fire Dept ; Ana Acosta Safe Kids El Paso & UMC Trauma; Prices Creameries Giv’em Five. Other donations came from Border Swimming; Krispy Creme Donuts; Costco; Eddie and Laura Castle & Family along with Dr Gutierrez and wife for snacks, water, Gatorade and fantastic drawing awards. Medals and trophies from C& M Plaque and Trophy; T shirts-D Embroidery Screen/Printing; sound system- Sound Music and Lighting Production; annnouncer Abel Rodriquez. A Big shout out to Dow Farley and his El Paso High Swim Team Of volunteers helping out today. Judges and score keepers from El Paso Parks and Recreation Aquatics -Stacy Wright, Martin Valdez, Nick Ferriola, Angela Parris, Jesus Avila, Amy Wheeler, Charles Armendariz and the American Red Cross. A big high five to the Fire Dept Water Rescue Team for volunteering to be victims (ouch)rescued by the lifeguards. Others assisting were YWCA Matt Doherty, Holly Anderson, Claire Cowan, Wayne Thornton, Mike Williams, Ryan Bowron, Dr. Wilson and Wet n Wild Crew.
Team Results
1st Place Fort Bliss Raptors
2nd Place Fort Bliss Aquaholics
3rd Place Fort Bliss Aqua Ducks
2018 Christian Castle Lifeguard Olympics Results
More pics coming soon. More info dpcelpaso.org #WaterSafety #RespectTheWater #ChristianCastleLifeguardOlympics #DrowningPrevention2018